David Corvacho Puente

Senior Travel Designer

My first travel memory is crossing the Pacific Ocean by ship when I was about 10 years old, it took about 3 weeks. My dad was a merchant marine and we went on a family trip from Peru to Japan, Korea and Taiwan. This trip opened my eyes to the world and made me realise that I wanted my life to be as exciting as this adventure. After university and a couple years working in advertising, I decided to get started on my adventure. First I moved to the coast of Ecuador then to the mountains of Peru and while living there, I got a job as a tour guide in Latin America. And this is where things really changed.

I spent the next ten or eleven years working and travelling throughout the world. First in Latin America, all the way from Cuba down to Patagonia, from the Pacific to the Atlantic. And then to make things more interesting I did the same in Southeast Asia, going from Thailand, to Laos, to Cambodia to Vietnam, places so remote and yet so familiar that I found myself totally in love with travel. And here I am today, a few things have changed, but I am still living my adventure and still in love with travel. 

See where David has travelled

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